My work here is done
Sorry, the page is a little late.
We’ve got some cool stuff coming in the next few weeks, but it all depends on me being able to move to an apartment with half the rent of my current place, and that just came into jeopardy, so fingers crossed 🙁
It’s possible that not all the cool stuff relates to Saffron and Sage, specifically, but I think complaining about that is splitting hares.
But we’ll see how it goes.

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Corjander, c’mon. You’re not getting paid because your personality was annoying enough to cause a distraction.
If you’re good at something, never do it for free. Especially if you can be smug while doing it.
Lovely face plant, perhaps if they water that spot it will grow more faces.
Hey, we found the person who traded ears with the cat-lady!
Nice scorp!