Narbonic is back online!
Narbonic was a gag-a-day comic that ran for five years, updating Mon-Sat with bonus content on Sunday. It’s about a mad scientist and her two employees and various wacky schemes. While the early art is sometimes rough

It rapidly improves

The main reason I sing Narbonic’s praises is simply that it ends. As opposed to most webcomics, which go on forever or until they stop. Every storyline in Narbonic, even the really fucking stupid “Dave Conspiracy” arc Shaenon herself calls a mistake, builds and builds to a proper cinematic climax where the foreshadowing and all the plot points pay off. It’s fantastic, and was thus the first comic to make my “Greats” list.
It was offline for quite a while, but it’s back, and includes author commentary on every single strip (though that commentary contains spoilers, so be warned). Narbonic gets a strong recommendation from me, so go read it.