Pls review this comic Very Randdenly
It’s about random and sudden thoughts.
Well, you said “pls”, so okay. (Also, it’s really short and I have some time to procrastinate on LotH). Here, I’ll liveblog it. Maybe that’s what I should do with future review requests, rather than trying to catch up and never getting around to it. (Resubmit those requests, and we’ll try that. I could use new material).
First thought: Describing your work as “random” is generally seen as a super bad sign. LOLSORANDUM etc.
Second thought: Your logo is way too fucking big. Every time I click a page, I have to scroll down to read the comic. This is a big deal because it means I keep getting taken out of the comic and the reading experience isn’t seemless.

“While the rest lok like”
“This too very fair right?”
So, in your first three pages, I see a typo, a grammatically tortured sentence, and thre pages of you deciding what your self-insert is like. These are not great hooks to get me into your story. I will say, though, that the very calm tone is kind of interesting.

Is English not your first language? There’s a lot wrong here grammatically, but I’m honestly not sure if this is intentional. The book has a weird creepy feel to me, though I couldn’t explain why. It’s making me think of Lost at Sea, which might be an unfair and unwarranted comparison for me to make. So far, four pages in, we have a drawing of yourself and a pre-emptive apology for your comic sucking (never, ever, apologize pre-emptively).

Ahhhhh what the fuck?? Why is this page sideways. I had to turn my head 90 degrees to read the words and now my neck hurts.

Ah, that answers the language question.

This is kind of funny.
Honest opinion: I feel like there’s actually something here, that’s hard for me to put into words. I like the art. It’s very simple, but it works perfectly fine for what you’re trying to do. There’s some creativity here as well, and there’s the weird factor where I kept wanting to read it, but couldn’t explain why.
I can’t honestly say your comic’s good, but there’s actually quite a bit of potential here if you refine it and keep working.
This seems to be an autobio comic, or possibly a gag a day. Here are some comics I recommend that you read a bit of, because they’re kind of doing the same thing

Emitown is an autobiography comic. It’s not for everyone, and doesn’t do many of the things I talk about (since real life isn’t plotted), but I like it anyway, and it’s sold a few books.

I’ve been less of a fan of Oh Joy Sex Toy, but Dar was pretty good (NSFW, no longer updating).

Johnny Wander took a long side-trip into a rom-com comic I liked quite a bit (I called it “A Competent QC”) until it suddenly turned LOLRANDOM scott Pilgrim, but now it’s back to autobio.
Fucking Tumblr posted this when I wanted to line break so I guess the review is done now >:(